General Statement on Financial Policies
The New England Rugby Referees Society is recognized as a charitable and educational organization under section 501 (c) (3) of the IRS code. Financial matters are overseen by the Executive Committee through the Society's Treasurer. Questions regarding financial policies and procedures should be directed to the Treasurer (, Alec Tolivaisa.
The Society's financial policies reflect an attempt to balance sometimes competing interests:
reducing the financial burden on individual members to actively participate in the game;
increasing the resources available to support referee recruitment and development; and
maintaining the financial viability of the Society.
To keep these three interests in balance, the total amount of expense reimbursement that an individual referee can receive in a year may be limited. If you do not need to be reimbursed your expenses, please, in the interest of our Mission to develop and educate referees, please deduct your expenses from your taxes instead. If you are economically blessed, do make a charitable donation to the Society. The Society's TIN (Tax Identification Number) is 04-2767268.
Membership Dues
Annual membership dues are $25. All members are expected to pay dues by January 31 of each year. Members not paid up by January 31 may be ineligible for certain Society Benefits. Membership dues may be deducted from expense reimbursement after the spring season or can be paid by check made payable to the New England Rugby Referees Society. To pay by check, contact the Treasurer (, Alec Tolivaisa, to arrange delivery.
Late Match Report Fine
Match Reports are due to the society within 48 hours in order both to adhere to competitions' card reporting needs and to facilitate an orderly payment of referees for their covered matches.
Failure to meet this 48 hour reporting window can result in a $20 fine being assessed for this tardiness; all referees shall have a waiver to avoid this fine once for their lifetime of refereeing with NERRS.
Any enforced fine will be deducted from the relevant referee's reimbursement for the match.
USA Rugby Training Courses
The Society will pay the course fee for active members in good standing to attend USARFU Referee Courses. New members will be reimbursed for the Level 1 Referee and Touch Judge courses once they are active members of the Society. Courses must have been passed (and the certificate received) before there can be any reimbursement.
Educational Conferences
The Society President will decide on a case by case basis the amount of subsidy, if any, that will be provided for members to attend educational conferences, based on availability of funds.
Match Expense Reimbursement
The Society will reimburse certain expenses associated with officiating at NERRS sanctioned games and events only. Territorial and National assignment expenses are reimbursed by the Northeast or USA Referee Societies according to their established policies. Expenses for exchange assignments are established on a case by case basis by the Society President.
Reimbursement rates are posted here.
NERRS views its referees as independent contractors for tax purposes.
Requesting reimbursement
To be paid, referees must complete 3 actions.
1. Fill out your NERRS administrative forms (contact if you never received copies)
i. W-9 form that is sent from QuickBooks Online
ii. Direct deposit form that is sent from Melio
2. Complete a match report with a mileage claim for each assignment. For any questions, watch this video.
3. Email to request payment
i. An email from Melio will notify you once payment is on the way.
ii. If you wish to donate your match fees to NERRS, you can set your Match Facts profile to do so automatically by following the instructions in this video.
If all steps are done successfully, payment should be scheduled within the next business day after the request.
Referee Exchanges
The amount of reimbursement available for an outgoing exchange will be decided by the President and must be agreed to in advance of travel. If the expense for an exchange is a financial hardship for the referee the expense can be submitted for reimbursement when incurred.
Hosting an incoming exchange is part of the rugby experience. As such, most costs incurred while hosting are not reimbursable. Extraordinary expenses incurred while hosting may be reimbursable only if they have been pre-approved by the Society President or Vice-President.
NASO Insurance Subsidy
The Society will pay for membership in the National Association of Sports Officials for all members who are active and current with their dues.
Extraordinary Expenses
Any expenses not covered above must be cleared with the President and/or vice-President before indebting the Society.
Referee Reimbursements
The total amount reimbursed to a referee for match related expenses, educational subsidies and insurance subsidies in a calendar year cannot exceed the total amount the Society bills for that referee's services in the same calendar year.
Referee Coaches and Evaluators
It is recognized that while referee coaches and evaluators are not revenue producers, they do provide an invaluable service to the society. As such, all match related and educational costs incurred on behalf of the society by referee coaches and evaluators are reimbursable. Conference and NASO subsidy levels will be will be determined by the President on an annual basis.
Other expenses
Other expenses incurred on behalf of the society (i.e. shipping paraphernalia, printing society materials, administrative costs for Area Coordinators) are excluded from annual reimbursement limits.